Best Automated Trading Platforms

Tradingview, Ninja Trader, MultiCharts, Tradetron, Tradestation, Metatrader, Amibroker, are some of trading platforms which provides flexibility to backtest strategies and live trading.

We at Trade Vectors, assist you with 100% customization of your trading strategy on any trading platform, any broker using websocket api, REST api in Python, C++, JAVA, C#. These systems runs smoothly as a desktop software or as a web portal.

List of Trading Platforms

Trading Platform APIs Integration

This API lets brokers build a bridge to connect their backend systems to your Algo Trading System interface. The brokers then can be supported on the Trading Web Platform and/or license the Trading Platform. The same bridge is used to enable both services, but each is licensed separately – so whether you go with one or both is up to you. The integration is very simple. The broker builds a REST Web API on its own servers based on our specification so that it can be connected to your Algo Trading System. Require technical assistance or Trading API Integration service, you can contact us.